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Restricted Calls Procedures

The University's Research Policy Committee has set up a procedure for the internal coordination of Restricted Call applications.

The Restricted Call Processes are managed by the University’s Research Strategy Office who list Restricted Calls that occur on a regular basis 

Calls Requiring School Coordination

Many funding calls require coordination and selection of applicants at the School level, with the Head of School giving approval for selected candidates to be submitted for consideration by the University to put forward as an applicant for the call.

Details of the Restricted Call Process and how Applications are assessed by the School of Technology are available here.

Coordination of these are managed on a call by call basis, with the School circulating procedures and deadlines for each call that requires their involvement. 

Some calls also request that the applications include a support letter signed by the Vice-Chancellor or the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, which needs Head of School approval prior to submission to RSO.

For some calls funders have agreed that the support letter can be signed by the Head of School. Information on the School of Technology Head of School support letter can be found here.

PIs are required to register their interest in applying for strategic equipment funding with the School office well ahead of submitting the application.

Restricted Calls of relevance to the School include:

EPSRC Equipment Bids
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships
Royal Academy of Engineering Chairs in Emerging Technologies
Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships
Annual Prizes and Awards with limited institutional nominees 
Apple & Google PhD Fellowships