The School of Technology is one of six Schools of the University of Cambridge, each of which has a supervisory body, The Council of the School, comprising representatives of the constituent faculties and departments in each School.
Each Council acts as a co-ordinating organisation for its group of departments and filters much academic business before its transmission to the General Board which has responsibility for the academic and educational policy of the University.
The Council of the School of Technology
The responsibilities and formal membership of each Council of School is set out in the University’s Statutes and Ordinances as specified in Statute A Chapter V.
- to allocate funds made available by the General Board of the University
- to advise the General Board on matters referred to it by the Board
- to report to the General Board on any question about which it's opinion is sought
- to perform other functions as may be delegated to it by the General Board
Membership of the Council of the School
The Council of the School shall consist of the following persons:
- the Heads of Department of the Departments of Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, the Department of Computer Science and Technology, the Judge Business School and Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, all of whom shall be members ex officio,
- one person appointed by each Faculty Board of Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, the Computer Laboratory and the Judge Business School,
- any member of the General Board who holds a University office in any of the institutions comprising the School,
- persons co-opted by the Council of the School,
- one undergraduate and one postgraduate representative.