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How to apply to JSREC for ethical review

You should only apply directly to JSREC if you are in Group 3 – to check which group you are in, see How to apply for ethical approval. If you are in Group 1 or 2, that page tells you what to do instead.

What will happen after you submit an application

JSREC may:

  • Provide ethical review of your application directly, including seeking specialist or legal advice as needed
  • Refer your application to an appropriate body within the School or University
  • Appoint a Specialist Panel to review an individual case.

We will keep you informed of the progress of your application, and will request further information if this is required.

When to expect a decision

For straightforward cases, JSREC expects to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 3 weeks.

If your application requires specialist advice and / or significant further information, it will take longer to gather information and convene experts. We will keep you informed of progress and likely timescales.

Possible outcomes of ethical review

The outcome of your application will be one of the following:

  • Your application may be approved with no amendments.
  • You may be asked to address concerns raised by the Committee and re-submit an updated application. This may require minor or major revisions to your proposed research.
  • Your application may be declined. If this is the case, the reasons will be explained, and you will be given advice on what to do next.

How to apply for extensions and amendments

Extensions: If the end date of your project is extended but the research is unchanged, please apply for an extension of ethical approval by emailing your School Research Facilitator. Please attach your approval letter and give the new end date of your project.

Amendments: If your research changes, you must apply for an amendment. Please email your School Research Facilitator with a brief summary of key changes, and they will advise on next steps.