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School of Technology


In March 2024, the University was successful in securing EPSRC funding for two CDTs, and is a partner in six other successful bids led by other partner universities. 

CDTs in the School of Technology

Department of Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Department of Computer Science and Technology

The School Office provides centralised administrative support (the CamCDT Hub) to the EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) within the University. The CDTs have their own dedicated website here and this includes information on the cross-cohort training that is specially developed for our CDT students. Find out more about the training here.

Departments in the School of Technology provide studentships from the EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP). They also have a dedicated website and information can be found here.

Supervisors: download our guide Industry collaboration for EPSRC studentships