The Postgraduate Education Committee brings together members of the departments with responsibility for postgraduate education and student representatives so that they may promote the best interests of the postgraduate students in the School as well as working to achieve improvement and added value in the delivery of postgraduate education across the School.
The role of the Committee is to:
- improve the quality of postgraduate education, including the co-ordination and provision of transferable skill training;
- improve student experience by encouraging good practice across the Departments;
- represent the School of Technology internally and externally on postgraduate matters;
- improve administration of postgraduate education by sharing knowledge and best practice in admissions, feedback and monitoring of student and supervisor performance across the Departments of the School;
- promote interdisciplinary activity and collaboration;
- provide a platform for responding to and addressing emerging issues at University level, such as student surveys, as referred to by bodies such as the General Board and the Council of the School;
- engage with a wide range of stakeholders, such as the Academic Division, in the coordination and management of postgraduate education across the University;
- engage with Colleges in developing a coherent, organised and sustainable structure for postgraduate education comprable with that in place at the undergraduate level.
Current membership
The Committee is chaired by the School's Director of Education. The members are representatives from Departments as follows:
- Up to two academic (or equivalent) representatives for graduate education from each of the Departments/Institutions
- Two postgraduate students appointed by the Council of the School for a period of up to two years
- The School Administrator is the Secretary
An administrative representative from each Department will be nominated by the academic members for each Department and will attend the meeting as an observer
The terms of reference are here.
Dates of meetings
The dates of the meetings of the Postgraduate Education Committee are available here.