University Research Policies support the smooth running of research funding application processes, help meet funders’ expectations and improve cost recovery, as well as ensure legal compliance, as with Export Control law.
Funding Application Submission Deadlines University deadlines aim to give everyone involved enough time to check and approve your grant application prior to its submission by the funder deadline. You must ensure you take into account your Department’s own internal deadlines for reviewing and approving your application before you send it to ROO. Certain funding calls such as Restricted Calls or those that need a Letter of Support have further requirements Applications to funders new to the University, and some applications with certain criteria will need more scrutiny. Send standard applications over £250k full economic cost (fEC) to the Research Operations Office (ROO) at least 7 or 5 working days before the funder submission deadline. This time is needed to check your application and advise of any changes to be made. Research Operations Office have a tool to guide you through timelines for funding application submission. |
Research Investigator Time Policy As of 1st August 2020 a minimum level of Investigator Time must be requested on all eligible funding applications.
Dispensations will be made only in exceptional circumstances (not simply because it makes the application more competitive) and will require approval from the Office of School of Technology, which manages the Research Investigator Time Policy Exemption Process for the Departments of the School. Please send enquiries and applications to Applications must be received two weeks before the internal ROO deadline. |