The University is a confederation of Schools, Faculties, Departments and Colleges. The University is governed through its central bodies - principally the Regent House, the Council and the General Board of the Faculties - who are advised and supported by an extensive network of committees, boards and syndicates. Information as to the governance of the University can be accessed here.
Each of the University of Cambridge Schools has a governing body, the Council of the School, comprising representatives of the constituent faculties, institutes and departments of each School. Each Council of a School acts as a co-ordinating and decision making organisation for its institutes and departments and filters much academic business before its transmission to the General Board which has responsibility for the academic and educational policy of the University
The formal membership of each Council of School is set out in the University’s Statutes and Ordinances as specified in Statute A Chapter V. Each Council of the School has the right to report to the University and has duties regarding matters delegated to it by the General Board including allocation of funds and the preparation of academic and financial plans and reports.
The Office of the School of Technology is responsible for the School-level committees which in turn support the decision-making at the Council of the School.
More details of the School’s committees can be found here.
Supported by the Office of the School, the Head of School together with the Heads of Department work to ensure the School’s and individual department’s plans are consistent, realistic and affordable. Further details as to the Council of the School can be found here