Academic Career Pathways
The Academic Career Pathways (ACP) (Research and Teaching) Scheme is the scheme under which eligible academic staff can apply for promotion to the offices of Associate Professor (Grade 10) (previously University Senior Lecturer), Professor (Grade 11) (previously Reader) and Professor (at Grade 12 - unchanged). The Scheme recognises and rewards outstanding contributions and celebrates academic achievement through promotion and/or pay progression. Assessment is based on contributions in: research and research leadership; teaching and/or researcher development; and service to the University and to the academic community more broadly.
On 8 July 2019, the University of Cambridge signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). DORA recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated. These outputs are many and varied, including but not limited to, research articles, reviews, book, monographs, data, reagents, software, intellectual property and trained young researchers. While institutions and funders need to be able to assess the quality and impact of research outputs, it is imperative that this is measured accurately and evaluated wisely. There is a need to establish well founded and academically supported criteria for evaluating primary research and other indicators of research, that transparently inform hiring, probation and promotion policies across the University.
The University’s Staff Review and Development (SRD) scheme aims to enhance work effectiveness and facilitate career development of employees.
Conflict of Interest Policy:
The School Conflicts of Interest Register should record any declared conflicts between the interests of School Office staff and members of School Committees and their School duties, including where a conflict may be perceived by others. Declarations should be made as they arise via the School of Technology Conflict of Interest declaration form.
Dignity @ Work:
There is no place for any form of discrimination, harassment, victimisation or sexual misconduct at Cambridge. Such behaviour is contrary to the values and ideals of our shared community, subverts the University’s mission and core values and diminishes the dignity and integrity of all parties.
Equality and Diversity:
The University of Cambridge is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to a pro-active and inclusive approach to equality, which supports and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture, and values diversity.
Fixed Term Contract Guidance
Flexible Working:
The University flexible working arrangements have been developed in line with the University's commitment to equality of opportunity and with the intention of helping members of staff to balance their commitments and interests outside work with their contractual duties and responsibilities.
An essential part of welcoming our new members of staff is to create an effective induction which welcomes them into their role, the Department, School and University.
HR Forms:
University HR Forms can be found on the following link: HR Forms
School specific forms: School of Technology staff leaving form
Personal and Professional Development:
There are training and development opportunities for all staff, from those new to working at Cambridge to those who are more established on their career pathway.
Probation is the formal arrangement at the start of a person’s employment which enables the new member of staff to have the opportunity to confirm their suitability for the role in a set timescale.
Link through to page where other tab can be presented in similar format
Regrading (Cam only):
To apply for regrading, please complete the following template and obtain approval from the Department: